Voice Dial for iPhone

Frequently Asked Questions

  Question Answer
1 Where do I start?

Start by reading the Manual, not this FAQ. It will give you a quick start.

2 How do I improve recognition?

For the best recognition results follow these guidelines:

1. Record clean samples. After each recording, the software plays back the captured sample. If you hear crackles, pauses, distortions, background noise or interruptions: don't save the sample, but cancel it. Then repeat the recording until you have a clean sample.

2. Record three voice tags for each contact. More voice tags mean a better chance of a positive recognition. Go to Record New and choose a contact from the list. Then select Add Voice Tag to record additional tags.

3. If you want to use VoiceDial in your car, then also record a voice tag in the car. You may record up to three voice tags per contact. So typically, you would record one in a silent environment (at home), one in a noisier environment (such as the office) and one in the car.

3. When recording multiple voice tags: apply slight variations in the recordings. Use a different pitch for the second voice tag and a different tempo for the third.

4. Less is more. If you store too many contacts, the recognition accuracy will drop, because you will have more people with similar sounding names, making it too difficult for the software to distinguish between them. To get 95% recognition rate, store the 10 phone numbers you dial most. You may store more, but the recognition rate will drop.

5. When recording names: avoid only first names with single vowels. Short names, like John and Josh, or Beth and Ben are phonetically very similar and the software may mix them up. Always say the last name as well in such cases.

6. In the recognition phase: avoid too much background noise. For example, while driving: turn off the car radio and close windows.

7. Make sure your hand is not covering the microphone during recording or recognition. The iPhone microphone is located at the bottom right of the device. When covered, the sound sample will be muffled.

8. If you have frequent mismatches of a name, reboot your iPhone to make sure other processes on the phone are not interfering or taking away processor time.

9. If you still have mismatches after a reboot, add three new voice tags for that name. The old ones will automatically be overwritten.

3 Where can I get this? It's available in the App Store & Apple iTunes
4 Why is the software so expensive?

We've listened to the complaints about the price and lowered it to $14,99. The total cost of the iPhone over a two year contract is 1500 dollars. Our software adds only 1% to the cost. We think that's reasonable.

Also: voice recognition software is complex and has cost us thousands of manhours to write. As a professional company, we need to recoup our investment.

5 If I buy now, will I get new features and upgrades for free? Yes, all upgrades will be free for registered users
6 I speak a foreign language, will Voice Dial work? Yes, the software works with all languages. It does not depend on a dictionary or vocabulary, but it learns from your voice and your speech.
7 Can I use it with a Bluetooth headset?

Yes, the software has been tested to work with the official Apple iPhone Bluetooth headset. We can't guarantee proper operation with other brands, it's impossible for us to test against all the thousands of bluetooth headsets in the market. But if you can pair your model with the iPhone and make a regular call, you may most likely also make a call through VoiceDial.

The button on the bluetooth headset which is used to accept calls, can't be used to trigger a voice call. This would require the application to run idle in the background, which is not allowed by Apple, so unfortunatelywe can't provide that.

8 Why does the application return to 'Speak Now' after a call has been ended? Our users have indicated that they would like this behaviour to change. In the next version, VoiceDial will quit after a call has been placed. This will be a free upgrade and you will be notified through App Store when it's available.
9 Do you have other software for iPhone? Yes, we have several other products: Camera PRO, iSIM and Media Studio. More info on our webpage.
10 Do I need a registration key No, software distributed through App Store and iTunes can immediately be used without activation code.
11 I have a previous version, can I upgrade to the App Store version?

It's technically impossible to distribute the App Store version to users who have bought a version through other distribution channels.

However, we are working on a solution, so that exisisting users with a jailbroken phone. may upgrade to a 2.0 version. Please contact support@makayama.com with your purchase details.

12 I have upgraded my older iPhone to firmware 2.0, can I get VoiceDial?

If you have upgraded your phone, you may purchase through the App Store and iTunes.

Customers who have bought VoiceDial for a jailbroken phone before, may upgrade to a 2.0 version. Please contact support@makayama.com with your purchase details.

13 I have a question which is not listed here Please contact support@makayama.com